SKU: TI-10844 - Trimaco T-Shirt Knit Rags - All-purpose, economical, white T-shirt and mixed knit rags are super absorbent and soft. Use for cleaning, polishing, staining and faux finishing. 1 lb bag. 24 bags per box...
SKU: TI-10817 - Trimaco T-Shirt Knit Rags - All-purpose, economical, white T-shirt and mixed knit rags are super absorbent and soft. Use for cleaning, polishing, staining and faux finishing. 4 lb box..
SKU: TI-10848 - Trimaco T-Shirt Knit Rags - All-purpose, economical, white T-shirt and mixed knit rags are super absorbent and soft. Use for cleaning, polishing, staining and faux finishing. 8 lb box..